Event Information

යාත්‍රා Yāthrā Live in Concert
Sunil Edirisinghe, Karunarathna Divulgane, and Deepika Priyadarshani

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යාත්‍රා  Yāthrā Live in Concert
with legendary Sunil Edirisinghe, Karunarathna Divulgane, and Deepika Priyadarshani

Saturday, June 28, 2025, at 6:00 pm
Dominion Centre, 9 The Broadway, High Road Wood Green, London N22 6DS

Tickets from £35 

For more information, please contact the ticket hotline at 078 4646 1488 or 074 8686 1488. 
Note: If you are planning to bring children age 7 and under, please contact the organisers before purchasing tickets. There are a limited number of child tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Travelling to Dominion Centre: 
Nearest Tube: Wood Green Underground Station, Piccadilly Line (2 min walk to the Dominion Centre)
Buses: 29, 67, 121, 123, 141, 144, 184, 221, 230, 232, 243, 329, W3, W4

Parking (Terms and Conditions Apply):
The Mall West Car Park, Caxton Rd, London, N22 6TB (4 minutes walk) 
The Mall East Car Park, Pelham Road, London, N22 6LW (6 minutes walk)

If you experience any issues paying by credit or debit card, let us know by email (payments@roxsel.com) with your contact details. We should be able to help you with your payment options.

Important Notice:
If you paid by debit or credit card, you must bring your payment card along with proof of identification. If you fail to validate your payment, your online transaction (all tickets in that invoice) will be cancelled, and you will not be permitted to attend the event.
If you are accompanying children with you to the event, please let the organiser know prior to the event by calling the ticket hotline.

Terms and conditions of sale of tickets:
This event only offers e-tickets, and e-tickets will be delivered by email. Tickets cannot be refunded or re-sold. You will not be admitted without an e-ticket. Do not fold the barcode area of the ticket. Anybody presenting the e-ticket is considered the owner of the ticket, regardless of the name on the ticket. Even if you have proof of purchase, lost tickets will not be replaced or reissued. Your ticket is your responsibility.

For wheelchair access and special needs, please contact the organisers.
Children must always be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. All attendees, including children, should hold a valid E-ticket with allocated seating to enter the event.

Seating Layout:
The images may not perfectly or accurately depict realistic objects or the actual seating arrangements. The illustration is purposely designed to demonstrate the current seating layout to assist in buying tickets only.
Please see the Terms and Conditions of the Roxsel Entertainment ticket sale for more details.

Event Flyer